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Congratulations sis! for getting so far on such a huge project! It really is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it complete! and of course you know that one of the many wonderful things about quilt making is that though the time you invest is so significant, the length of time that the quilt will be enjoyed is significantly substantially superbly more than that!!!

Marcia Van Drunen

Good luck with the quilt! May the rest be curse-free :)
That was also the ONLY game we watched. And you're right, your son looks great in orange.


Alright, I probably won't sleep well under that quilt knowing it caused you to swear! Having no quilting or sewing experience myself, I was not aware how major an undertaking this would be! But it does look amazing, and I know it will keep me nice and warm on those cold winter nights when the wind is howling around the house. And it will be even cosier knowing you made it (and warmed it with those ?*#*? words.

finger thumb

Thanks for your support, all of you. Also, Mom, I love that you fake swore in punctuation marks. Made me laugh out loud!

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