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Lisa Mizeri

That's awesome guys, congratulations I am so happy for you! (Although I was secretly hoping for a girl for you because I have tonnes of oh-so-cute baby girl clothes to give away, and everyone I know is having a boy.)
How about a long-distance knitting refresher? I want to make my son a scarf, but never mind trimesters... I have only 3 days til D-day.
I guess that is what procrastination gets you. A scarfless baby.

Marcia Van Drunen

Yay! And you are funny with the ultrasound teaser :)


congratulations again! oh so more real with the gender question resolved. Now git knitting!


Congrats on another cute little boy to be had! And as for the knitting, I've made 3 baby sophisticates, and love each one (2 were gifts), and I highly recommend the pattern. If interested, here's my Ravelry link (http://www.ravelry.com/projects/hooknneedle)


ahhh, congratulations!!! so intuitive, that little dude! my boy just said to my belly, 'hello baby, i hope you are a little sister...or brother...' we wait in suspense!


Sweet! What fun they'll have together! And what a great little nose!

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