We had another weekend away, this time the Little Dude came along with us. We went out to good ole' Hamilton to visit with friends and see family and go to art openings and film screenings. Very very fun. Its like a spa visit for my soul, to see my good friends again, and get to spend some meaningful time with my sister and her kids. Little afternoon visits on special occasions are fine and everything, but there is nothing like being together for a more serious block of time, even if it just involves eating breakfast and running errands together. I love being in a space together and just doing the mundane. I don't know why, but sometimes mornings in track pants involve more meaningful bonding than all the birthday parties in the world.
But it wasn't all track pants and errands. We also had fancy dinners and events, which Hubs and I were able to attend, thanks to the gracious baby sitting skills of my sister's entire family. The Little Dude cannot stop talking about his cousins. So awesome.
Anyhow, despite all the good times and big events, what I really need to tell you about is the thrifting. Oh. My. Gosh. The Thrifting. There is a new Value Village that has opened near my sister's house, and the past two times I was there, I kept thinking to myself "if I have an extra hour this weekend, I need to go to that V.V." But of course, there was never and extra hour. Until this weekend. We went, en famillie (Hubs, the L.D. and I) and it was INSANE!
First of all, its a new V.V. so none of that staff were surly or passive aggressive (yet), and there was not the usual pall of dinge over the fixtures. And organized! I have never been in a V.V. so beautifully organized. The management is still pretty keen, I'm thinkin'. I mean, the fiction section was arranged by colour, just like I do my books at home, but of course, the impact was much better at the V.V. because it was on a much grander scale. I wish I had gone back in with a camera for a picture, but alas, I did not. It also had the most amazing knick-knack section I've ever seen. And the dishes! Not too heavily shopped, and nary a hipster in sight. Just elderly suburbanites, out for a bargain because that's the way they were raised. In other words, no one was looking for what I was looking for, so there was some good pickin's I tell you whut!
Anyhow, it would take too long to tell you about everything I bought, so I'm just going to show you what I'm really excited about: the knitting patterns.
I collect vintage knitting patterns. By which I mean mostly '70's and earlier, but occasionally '80's if they are really crazy. Anyhow, this place had a whole stash that had clearly never been picked over, and look what I got.
Every decade is represented here. To begin with, the '40's.
The '60's and '70's (from right to left)
And of course, the '80's. As I mentioned, I rarely buy '80's patterns, but there were a couple of gems in these books. Come back tomorrow, and I'll show you what made it worth my while.
And cheap! I'm willing to pay for these things, since I love them so much, but its nice when you find what you like and its a bargain. The most expensive one was 69 cents. That Lux one from the '40's was only 49 cents, thats just 14 cents more expensive than its original cover price. Not too shabby.
Posted by: brooklyn_codger | 10/04/2010 at 11:18 AM