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Wow, that brings back memories. I never followed the left side rule - my midwife said it didn't matter that much and it was more important that I actually slept! Names... hmmm, Chris always had a last say on boys names...(maybe you can let good ol' hubs have the ultimate responsibility)... we might have had a Nathaneal or a Christopher (Jr) instead of Emmanuel last time. If you really want to confuse his teachers, you could call him Kael (like one of my Dutch students), they'll constantly mix up your boys! Avery? Reuben? Good luck!

Marcia Van Drunen

all too familiar.
the last line ... the best :)


i just started sleeping on the left about a month ago (i'm due any day...), and the baby is perfectly positioned. i guess i figured, sleep while the sleepin's good! we also just found a boy's name we like! but we don't know the baby's sex, nor do i know if you would like it (or if it'd go with the little dude's name). our first, we didn't figure out til after he came. but it still is a relief to have found at least one upon which we can agree!

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