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Thanks! That's definitely on my Easter week menu - look at all those eggs! (Thankfully the chickens have started laying again...)

finger thumb

You have to let me know if you make it, and if you like it. And yes, this takes tons of eggs. I always think of the Anne of Green Gables books when I make it, and how scandalized they were about a pound cake recipe that called for 10 eggs. Oh, the extravagance!


ok. Ima gonna have to buy eggs (noémie will LOVE all the egg cracking) and a sifter. Always avoided sifting, but for you, and the cake: a sifter. xx

finger thumb

Sifter is totally necessary for this one. Usually I don't bother, but it really does make a difference here. Also, a sifter is hands down the best 'little helper' tool ever. If she thinks cracking eggs is fun, just wait till she gets her hands on a sifter. A handle to turn and lots of repetition usually makes for happy toddlers/kidlets. Just make sure you help them aim it. And let me know how it turns out!

fingertrip pulse oximeter

delicious cake! i want to eat that cake and may i know how to bake that? so that i can bake that in my house.


Its such a great example of how everything changes and yet so much stays the same.

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