Didn't really expect much in the way of a Valentine's Day celebration; its not really one that we celebrate in any big way. Made some valentine cards with the boys to give to friends, but that was going to be it. The Little Dude had a bit of a cold, but I thought nothing of it. Put the Baby down for a nap. L.D. went for quiet time, which he usually wanders out of after 45 minutes or an hour. But after and hour and a half I suspected he was having an 'accidental nap'. After two hours I thought I'd check on him. He was definitely napping. Shortly after that he woke up, but with the nastiest cough you've ever heard, and I've heard some nasty coughs in my day. And he must have been really tired, because I'd given him a sugar-free lollipop to have as a treat during quiet time, and he'd fallen asleep while eating it and came walking out of his room later, quite oblivious to the fact that it was stuck, mostly uneaten, to the front of his shirt. Which would have been very cute/funny were it not for the fact that he was crying and coughing and a very sad, snotty little mess.
And so off to the doctor's we went. And a couple of hours later, well past dinner time we were finally headed home again with a diagnosis of Strep Throat. ARGH. Seriously. Poor little guy. He's in bed half asleep and coughing while I write this. There will be very little sleep tonight.
Anyhow, I did also want to show you something that Hubs made a little while ago. Remember that sand table he built when the Little Dude was, well, littler? It hasn't had sand in it for some time now. It had a small upgrade, in the form of two drawers attached to the underside about half a year ago and became our lego table. But it became apparent quite quickly that we needed more surface area, so it has been enlarged by another addition. See? That blue part down at the end is the old table, and the shiny bright unfinished portion is the new bit. Obviously.
Here is a close up of where the two parts meet. Hubs was muttering to himself with discontent when I took these pictures. He does not feel like this is his most elegant carpentry solution. But what it lacks in flair it more than makes up for in usefulness.
Though speaking of a lack of flair, these pictures bum me out for a different reason. Which basically the lack of decor in any formal sense going on in this image. I like the floor, and the walls are at least neutral, but there is so much here that is leftover or just kind of random. Not to mention a toy strewn mess. Which is to say that this table does not match the previous aesthetic of the room, nor does it make anything by a small sad reach towards a future one.
Sigh. But budgets and time constraints do no allow for such frivolities as decor at this moment in my life. And I need to prioritize and just say how much I love this table (and my husband for making it) as it allows my boys to play happily and at just the right height, with the toys they love best, and at no risk at all of falling off an adult height chair. (In fact a few such falls were deciding factors in favour of Hubs spending a day and a couple of dollars to complete this project)
And essentially, the most important part of this room is that it encourages the boys to play on their own while I get dinner made. And that is worth all the trendy decor in the world.
Though something like this might be fun someday. While not exactly my aesthetic (I like a little grey with my white) it would certainly make the Little Dude happy.
Sure there is an aesthetic... it's postwar suburban Canadiana meets modern kid-friendly DIY... what's not to like?
Posted by: Anna | 02/15/2013 at 10:55 AM