I've been very light on the blogging as we come up to Christmas. There has just been so much to do, you know how it is. Anyhow, here's a little glimpse into how we are celebrating. We've hung up some lights. These are a string of the "Old Fashioned" ones, left over from my childhood probably. I just love the colours of them. So soft and warm.
And we've celebrated advent with the help of the lego company. (and a good friend and kind cousin who helped get us our this treat) I know, I know. I have long had dreams of the hand crafted, heirloom quality advent calendar I would make for my kids, but somehow I never get around to it. And then L.D. go wind of these (both Lego AND Starwars!) and there seems to be no turning back.
We got some really nice snow earlier this month. Its all a distant memory today (because it is Christmas Eve Day and it is RAINING! What is this, England? Get yer climate straight Canada! Most of the time I could care less about your snow, bloody inconvenient and whatnot. However there are two days here when I'm ok with great gobs of picturesque snow. Can you guess which ones? Seriously, you had ONE JOB Canadian Climate!)
That snow was very much enjoyed while it lasted.
"Hooray for snow!" (say the people who don't have to shovel it)
We also did a little easy kid crafting. These are the cheater gingerbread houses that you make with graham crackers and candy.
The LOVE making these. Basically its an excuse to get candy, but there is a bit of creativity going on.
Though they are ready to tear them apart as soon as they are given the go ahead.
And see how generous my six year old is? Once all the candy has been picked off he just can't wait to share it with me.
We finally got around to some real baking.
And made a batch of gingerbread. (side note: When I posted this picture to facebook my cousin commented that she loved how "real" it looked. You know, with all the other crap on the table. And this is a good measurement of how busy I am. I don't exactly "stage" photos for this blog. I am not that ambitious. But if I can't take the two minutes it would require the push the markers and lego to the other end of the table so I can have a "clear' background, as I normally would, then you KNOW I'm busy! I had fifteen minutes between getting these cookies iced and heading out the door to work, so clutter schmutter, at least I managed a picture!)
I learned this icing technique from a good old Martha Stewart video. Not at all as hard as it looks and it yeilds very pleasing results to both the eye and the mouth.
A little less fussy are these guys. All they require is a fancy cookie cutter from Williams Sonoma. I'm telling you, money was never better spent around here. They'd rather have these plain guys than the ones with the icing! I don't think they are available from Williams Sonoma anymore, but I think you can still buy them on Amazon.
They go over very well. No matter what cookie flavour you use.
"Delicious I will be. Eat me you will."
And when the weather is cold enough, we have a fire. It will be a very mild Christmas, so probably just one on Christmas Eve, to make it feel gezelige. That sort of like "cozy" for those reading who are not of Dutch heritage.
Merry Christmas to you all, and happy holidaying in whatever way you celebrate.
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