About once a month I walk around the house with a bucket and pick up all the partial and mismatched lego minifigs that are lying around. Discarded after a day of play, forgotten during the urgency of a trip to the bathroom, or hidden during a game I find them in the funniest places. In the cup holders of the car, in the pockets of dirty pants and scattered like confetti around the edges of the play room. I put the bucket someplace "up high", and then once the kids are in bed I sit down and take them apart and put them back together, match up all the "right" tops and bottoms with the "correct" heads and hats. It makes the collector in me CRAZY that my three year old does not seem to care that Batman has the right head under his mask or that the space alien queen is wearing the plumber's pants. But once a month for an evening I get to set them all up on the shelves and enjoy them in all their intended splendour.
As a side note, these are not all of them. These are just what I was able to find and put together last night. There is also a box of random parts that our Little Guy can swap in and out to his hearts content, and of course most of the Star Wars minifigs are kept in a separate location, to be doled out for playtime upon request. (because of someone looses Princess Leia's hair, I will loose my shit!) And now here is my call for assistance from the internet and my fb friends: Does anyone know where I can buy another of these segmented display shelves? I got this one at Ikea AAAAAAaaaages ago and it has literally been on the wall in every home I have ever lived in. It didn't always hold minifigs though, that is a more recent development. It's sort of like a traditional Type Face drawer, hung on the wall as a display shelf (very common on the walls of Dutch homes, filled with tiny knick knacks and sea shells and such) but this one has slightly more roomy sections and is a little deeper. The minifigs can stand in there two rows deep, which is great. I recently went to Ikea to try and buy a new one, which was ridiculous, as I should know better than to think that they would carry something that they originally stocked, like, fourteen years ago! Anyhow, if anyone knows where I can get something similar, or has one like this that they want to sell, that would be GREAT! aaaaand that's the end of that. Now that the Little Guy has seen that the shelf is replenished and full of all his favourite things, it will slowly be pilfered and looted, bit by bit, until only a skeleton crew of lego minifigs are left. Sigh. Its like a metaphor for housework or something. You only do it to have it undone, yada, yada, yada. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted...
Nice to hear from you again. Missed your blog.
Posted by: Helen | 02/23/2015 at 07:59 PM
I love that you take the time reassemble all of this little ones. You are truly amazing. Thanks for sharing this little bit of your everyday.
Posted by: D | 02/23/2015 at 11:08 PM